Women of the Woods
Women of the Woods (WoW) was formed in 2001 to foster friendship and arrange activities of interest for women of the Chapman Woods.
The group meets every other month (February, April, June, August, October, December), in residents’ homes and occasionally out of the neighborhood for special excursions or events. Times of meetings may vary in order to accommodate the needs of the women who live in Chapman Woods, including some early evenings and Saturday mornings… Programs include a wide variety of interests, ranging from speakers from museums, antique appraisers, fashion shows, book reviews, cooking demonstrations and participation, safety and service programs. The programs and activities are planned by a committee that actively participates in the execution of the activities.
For more information or to join this fun-loving, helpful organization, contact Chairwoman; Mary Bassel and Kathy Bruno, wow@chapmanwoods.net.